ICAI needs Total change..

shinoj (ab) (1201 Points)

25 November 2010  

Getting registerationfor CA course is very easy n getting CA degree definitely not..recently statement made by vice president that CPT would be conduted every month to counter shortage of CAs is contradicting as demand of CAs is very limited even when pass % hits all time low..not all absorbed in Campus program..ICAI turns money making organisation like ICFAI when students passing CPT is about 80000 students but pass % of CA final is horribly low say about just 3000 students per year(taking 2009) into account-base year !!..what is ironical is that even after passing ca inter or even 1 group of ca final if u can not pass final in full u r no where..so ICAI opening Centre Of Excellence by taking fees  from ca final students who r failing again n again..Even ca final old syllabus last examination conduted on nov 2010(which might or might not extended)..leaves many aspirants to join corporate at low salary as good pass % happened in 2006(TN Manoharan),in 2008-Ved jain is not longer on avail..May 2010 results was very disappointing..ICAI should enhance emplybility rather for CA than conducting exam frequently..Best Option..Conduct CAT like entrance after class 12th,take limited students n make them CA after 4-5 years without made them fail..I fear the popularity of ICAI may get down if something not done urgently..