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Fellow students...don't you hate your lives sometimes??

Page no : 3

adula... (student) (550 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

I don't know how many of you read my reply here,

If I was in your situation

I would have enjoyed every weekends plus holidays. And after completing CA I would have earned for one year probably you(or I) would be 22 at that time and saved money and quit job for one year and was goin for world tour and would re-joined some other job after coming back(else practice what ever)

. And I would definately going/joining for classes to hunt boys :P it is true that CA doesn't have beautiful girls and boys rather every one look cheap this is not in medicine and engineering. But you can definately find some in the class if you join there are few.

About Masti enjoyment of life,

You don't really need friends to enjoy your life and friends only meant for hanging out are worst in life, you should be little selfish to findout an  answer for this. I dare to go out for Ice-cream parlors restaurents with only one friend or some times none so here I am . You should have ideas to enjoy life not friends.

and you were speaking about the age.

When I was 16 I was keep worried I am not young as 12, and when I was 18 again  worried as not16 like that when I was 22 I thought I am matured now I should behave rationaly but later I realised at 25 these worries are waste of time I am still 12 and started enjoying as I am 12. Believe me age doesn't matter if you are willing to enjoy life.

There will be always pros and cons for every thing,

You speaking about making friends in CA course, the fact you said is true not only in CA field but every where.


one universal truth, for every one in their later stage of life is they will realize and end up with only 2 or 3 best friends, other best friends are confined with the time, I had many best friends in school but  I never knew I will endup with none now( of course two are intouch but they will be busy almost that too one is married) and now I got different best friends, they all depend on the stages of life, friends come in and go out of life like a bus boy resturants, we often meet our friends less and less and we never show up finally, once my college friend was saying, real friends are befriends in the school, but now I realise I endup with none and confined more to parents.

There is a saying in Sanskrit
There are no friends are enemis. By your conduct are born friends and enemies.

Finally my dear friend, you should not mess up with the thoughts, you making yourself to think and getting into worries. Every thing stands upon Mental Setup and remember Time is a universal healer. So later around after 10 years you should not find yourself repenting, about the past for not realizing you could still enjoyed life better than what you would later.


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Originally posted by : Vaisakh
Ohk..i dont want to take sides to the gender war going on here..:)but hari h...you are talking sh*t...i hope you dont marry..because you ll make her life living hell with the mentality of yours..yes you are right this is india ...i am sad to say people like you still exist..

This is called mamuism. Your words shows that you are nothing less than a P*mp.

Be a Man.



Budding Professional (B.Com, CA & CS FINAL) (1686 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

hey hari, respect the professional platform..  please do not be gender biased and talk in an uncivilised manner.. show some maturity and pragmatism..

Originally posted by : NEERAJ SINGH

hey hari, respect the professional platform..  please do not be gender biased and talk in an uncivilised manner.. show some maturity and pragmatism..

Its not me who has started this gender biased talk.

I can understand some boys try to be in good books of girls by favouring their words without any shame. Such boys get motivated/charged up in one simple thanks from girls

I dont know what kind of maturity and pragmatism they are upto.




CA Ashish Pathak (Employed at Cipla Ltd.) (2779 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

Come on guys stop fighting. These verbal fights gives no results... Every guys knows 1001 ways of abusing the other. No guy wins in this verbal fight. So better to stop this. This is not the right place to use them. See these girls have succeeded in making you guys fight and now they must be smiling seeing these verbal fight going here between we guys. The fight was initially between boys n girls n now its a perfect wrestling match between two guys. You are right Hari there are guys who take the side of girls just to be in their good books. But be a wise man n lets move away from this nonsense talks. William Shakespeare very rightly said "if there is a fight there has to be a women behind..."

Budding Professional (B.Com, CA & CS FINAL) (1686 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

Dear Hari

Its not me who alleged you to have started gender biased talks, but you do have made the conversation look cheap and murkier with whatever little horizons that you have.

I can understand that some people have really cheap mentality and they do not spare an opportunity to show it off and yet they think that they are real pragmatists.


I won't argue anymore with you on this as it is always better to avoid responding to unproductivity and obnoxiousness.

ashisha (Practising CA) (261 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

Well its really disheartening to see the way this is turning up.

I had no motive of sparking off any kind of fight/ arguement between anyone. I just voiced my opinion. and moreover I had no motive of "charging up" any guy. it is a gesture of appreciation (atleast the world has not run out of sensible people) not anything else.. anyways, I dont have to justify myself to anyone. 

mr naturally blessed human being, hari plz stop saying anything further coz the more u write your (mental) sickness is becoming more evident.. learn to respect others.


CA Ashish Pathak (Employed at Cipla Ltd.) (2779 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

Ashisha, i am not taking anyones side here but it would be so much better if you can just practise what you are preaching here.... You are asking Mr.Hari to "learn to respect others" and at the same time you are bluntly calling him "mentally sick". It would be so kind of yours, if you can just mind your words. Even before u called him so... but Hari simply ignored it just saying that he "is hurt with such aggressive comments". You are being very unprofessional and such things are never expected from the girls. You may be right in saying that today "girls are perfect blend of beauty with brains" but i guess you are an exception to this coz you dont seem to be applying your brain while commenting here.... So silly comment - "Learn to respect others".


hey guys i think v shud stop commenting on such an irrelevant issue..............its not anyones fault neither anybody can b blaimed...........its everybody's own perspective and v r no one to comment on anyone...................y u guys hv sticked on a single topic.................this thread is not abt this guys.................ashisha is not at all to b blaimed ....................everybody has a ryt to speak.......................she is just gvg her opinion............................................chalo nw shake hands and b freinds...................act lyk mature people...........................smiley

ashisha (Practising CA) (261 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

Mr Pathak, U just said u are not taking anybody's sides. we have seen your concerns towards your friend. and since you are unbiased,, can we have something in my favour also??

and CA Finalist, thanks for your kind intervention.. I am ready to accept your suggestion.. my above request to Mr pathak is a step towards the same..  :)

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and one thing more i want to add v r not maintaining any books ,although v r aspiring as well as qualified CA out here but i guess everything cannot b made into books,so no point of anyone getting into bad books or good books,v all belong to same academic background so i guess v all r sailing on same boat so v actually dont need such books...................................cheeky...........so lets just end this irrelevant bickering and move to other threads where students have put up their queries and solve them...............................enlightened...


.exam r round the corner,so all the very best to all and to me too.....................................................yes


and coming to rhea ,dear u r in CA final so its just that the cake is made and only icing is left so just study hard and rock it.................cool.


Vaisakh Ayyappan Prakash(VAP) (student) (474 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012

Mr hari h..let me clear a point to you..i didnt write the last statement to get into good books , bad books or get any thanks..y should i be happy to get a thanks for standing up for what i believe...this would be the last of it i hope..you can abuse me i dont care...and i dont think you know what it feels to be a man..you are not man enough to open a real account i should say..by the look of it i think yours s a fake account ...and yes finally you started the gender bias topic by saying the statement men are superior to women..i think you didnt get that..and to end this fight i think i should say sorry to anyone(mr hari h) whom i hurt with my words 

Originally posted by : Vaisakh

Mr hari h..let me clear a point to you..i didnt write the last statement to get into good books , bad books or get any thanks..y should i be happy to get a thanks for standing up for what i believe...this would be the last of it i hope..you can abuse me i dont care...and i dont think you know what it feels to be a man..you are not man enough to open a real account i should say..by the look of it i think yours s a fake account ...and yes finally you started the gender bias topic by saying the statement men are superior to women..i think you didnt get that..and to end this fight i think i should say sorry to anyone(mr hari h) whom i hurt with my words 

Wat u mean by opening a real a/c,?? In cci, Many members dont update thier real pik including admin, moderators etc, dat doesnot mean that they r fake accts. got it. If we go by ur theory u wl claim dat only u r a man, others r girls.

Moreover even a transgender face resembles man's face but we should not cum to conclusion dat person is a man just because dat persons has manly quaities in thier face. 

So jusz because u hv uploaded ur pik(which claimed by u as real) dat doesnot mean that u r a man.


Sanjay S (Chartered Accountant) (1375 Points)
Replied 16 September 2012

Ha Ha...Hello everyone....

This 'beauty & denunciaton' discussion reminds of the famous story regarding George Bernard Shaw:
It is like the famous story of G.B.Shaw.

“George Bernard Shaw was once approached by a seductive young actress who cooed him in his ear:- ‘Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we got married and had a child with my beauty and your brains?’ George Bernard Shaw who was hardly a handsome man replied: ‘My dear, that would be wonderful indeed, but what if our child had my beauty and your brains?’
The actress who did not need much persuasion just sped off.

[Definitely it goes the other way too..Plz dont get me wrong.]

Okay  .. Here it is.. boys and girls  

1.We are beautiful in our own way, because God makes no mistakes.

2. People nowdays rather see a pretty face than a pretty heart.

3. Beauty fades, but personality is forever.

4. Despite the messed up things that occur all around us, sometimes we all need to step back and remember how beautiful the world really is.

Rhea, I really think everyone who has taken part in this discussion are gorgeous, handsome and beauty concious (in your own ways atleast) Otherwise they wouldnt have taken the pain to express and defend their feelings on this topic..

I hope you now hold the answer to your interesting question..Its this: "Wait for a few years; lets see if you're interested in asking this same question then. Because you will be happy to be where you are then .. and that these 'so called friends' will be nowhere to be seen. --- And dont say there aren't any beautiful and handsome people left in CA.. that would depend on how you define 'beautiful and handsome'...."    blush

Everyone's beautiful ... You, Me, Everyone else....  and there's a Fun World out there, waiting just for you.. Go and get it !!!

Adios...  smiley



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Vaisakh Ayyappan Prakash(VAP) (student) (474 Points)
Replied 16 September 2012

Hey sanjay kudos for wat u have writn...:-)mr hari h the man i think i didnt mention anything about pik:)in d previous statement...i know most of the profile in cci doesnt have a pik..sorry to say mr hari h i think i have lost the will to argue with you...so mr hari h let me say ..yours s a real account ..you r a man..mr hari h your rite n saying that men ll go for beautifull ladies even the ugly ones..thats human psychology..but you are not rite in saying men s superior to women..if i have a problem with you its regarding this matter...so again let me say sorry if i hurt you with my words:)

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