Well firstly they reappointed A & B in the AGM which is absolutely as per the section 224(2) so the process of re appointment is over itself the moment they reappointed them,
Secondly what they have agreed on in the AGM itself is that If any or both of them doesnt agree to work then BOD are allowed to appoint Mr C.Later on disagreement of one of the auditor (nt remembering the name) not to continue shows itself shows that they accepted their appointment in the AGM..
if any auditor between two AGM's doesnt agree to work the BOD are totally authorised to appoint any auditor as casual vacancy by resignation or not agree to work as per section 224(6) ,therefore passing resolution was of no use,but even then also it doesnt stop or doesnt make it void to appoint Mr C as auditor by BOD.
Since no time was mentioned that when he showed his disagreement,,,therefore it would be more appropriate to assume that he did it after the AGM.
If nobody is agree wid me,kindly share your views,which are cordially invited
CA Deepak Bhardwaj