Are you happy with CA system as it is now?

Page no : 5

Anoop Vinod (Article Assistant) (22 Points)
Replied 15 June 2009

I wont say that every thing is wrong with the present system but some this are:

like the transffer restictions and all, Seriously

are they trying to help us complete this course

or ustmake us suffer i have been enrolled as an article assistant for the past 3monts

and we have been working like hell for a low stipent and a lotttt of shouting at

and with the new restriction of transffer  ma article ship is worse than hell

are the pople in Icai finding pleasure in torturing  us

now we cant even terminate with out a bunch of resrtictions on us

i dont think no one appreciate (except our principle ) appreciate the rules

brough forward by Icai,

Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 15 June 2009

Originally posted by :garima pahuja
" Thanks for giving me such sound advice. I am in no way a defeatist. I know the immense possibilities available after becoming a CA. And as for being able to work abroad, I grew up in SIngapore watching people look at my dad with awe and amazement because he is a CA! And that was what motivated me the most. But having given a second attempt, I wonder if I can justify to myself having devoted so many years to CA. I have seen people giving countless attempts. So where does it really stop? God forbid, if I fail again, Should I gracefully accept my defeat? And I am absolutely not being a pessismist here. Just trying to evaluate my options and present condition objectively. "


Hi Garima,

Thanks for your kind comments.

Second attempt is not the be all and end all to CA.I know people who cleared after even sixth attempt.

You say God forbid something bad happens.

I say God be praised and something good happens, next attempt? Then? Look at possibilities and positives(at the same time know what is negative too).Analyze what you have done wrong(The definition of insanity is to do things the same type and expect different results each tims-Einstien).Correct it and then forge ahead.

You start with saying you are not a defeatist.I was happy reading that you changed a bit after reading my post but then see the words you use later as a part of your self-talk

1. But having given a second attempt---No buts my dear, just keep it positive.

2. Countless attempts by others---So what?(An American kid would say WTF?).You know yourself, right(never judge anything from past or from others but from within you)

3. So where does it really stop--this is the defeatist attitude--so where does suffering stop, so where does this pain stop.....just stop concentrating on pain and suffering and be positive.

4. God forbid if I fail again---You have failed now itself (the God in you) by such negative talk!

5. Should I gracefully accept defeat?---You are now concnetrating on defeat now itself.You have 4.5 months time even for the next attempt.You have already accepted defeat and surely it will embrace you my dear.

6. Im absolutely not being a pessimist---do you think the above 5 statements look positive in the light of my explanations?

Being objective is onething, fear,doubt and cribbing is another thing.

Yeah it is bad, so what do you intend to about it? Keep your head in the mud like an Ostrich or fight it out?

Best of luck in all your endevaours!

Rajeev saxena (service) (93 Points)
Replied 16 June 2009

Toughness of examination does not make C A an unique. Think about those thousands of students who have cleared C A inter and still struggling in C A final and more than 10 yrs have passed . they have become victimised of those qualified C A who even does not update their knowledge and critised to those nonqualified with good knowledge of subjects. the reputation of C A institute is going to fall day by day as maintaining of results and not restriction on entry levels. Because  How practising C A can get such a cheap labour.

Dear the system of institute need over hauling.the institute have to do do for those persons who could not crack the C A final exam and waste his more than 10 yrs.It is better to talk to those students and share their views


rajeev saxena

rajeev2384907 @

Chintan Vasa (CA Final Student M.Com)   (1241 Points)
Replied 16 June 2009

I think a department for CA students should be set up by ICAI. Students are being exploited by the CAs n this fact is very well known by the students. Hence a students department or cell should be set up to solve thier grievances. In the current system the employer has powers like a king but what about the students? The condition is no less then that of a slave. This point should be raised before ICAI.

sandeep (C.A) (22 Points)
Replied 16 June 2009

hi i am s

rajumithra.c.s.inter (student) (46 Points)
Replied 16 June 2009

hi on thing this is bad for all students if all is going his it like husband and is it you know? if marry man for woman he will take care first when he was onley certain dates afterwords he will take like thigs.............. like that chages will not come to result and sucess and that all come to the onley for performance.,

Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 16 June 2009

Originally posted by :rajumithra
" hi on thing this is bad for all students if all is going his it like husband and is it you know? if marry man for woman he will take care first when he was onley certain dates afterwords he will take like thigs.............. like that chages will not come to result and sucess and that all come to the onley for performance., "


What you are saying,if Im correct at cryptographically deciphering your English, means that you are comparing this issue with the concept of arranged marriage in India.

Analogies are to be given carefully.There is a danger in giving a beautiful analogy and distracting the logic of the issue.

You say that just as a man and his wife get to know each other and then slowly adapt, our course too having students and members(whom you analogize as husband and wife) should know each other and remain without 'Jagda'(fights)

Wow a noble thought! Very beautiful to hear and fantatize about!

Some corrections though:

1. Husband and wife relationship(Miya-Biwi ka bandhan) is an emotional relationship, whereas a student-member relationship is primarily professional and that is how it should be.Emotions come in as something secondary.If the professional fabric is broken, then emotions come in and students get agitated.Whereas it is the reverse for a husband and wife relationship, if good and romantic emotions take a backseat and they both are 'professional' to each other, then the beauty of the marriage is lost and one day ends up in divorce or in distaste!

2. Husband and wife have their birth-families to support, here members alone get lot of support and ICAI frustrates students.

3. If a wife or husband do not like each other, they can have a divorce or Talaq or better still go for counselling...what about here, with the ban on transfership and no grievance cell for students in the Institute?

4. Jocular note: Husband and wife, if they are romantic--go on a honeymoon and enjoy.Do you think CAs and students enjoy a minimum comaderie or is it some fearful relationship we have in majority of the offices today?

5. Huband and wife fight each other and also hug each other.Students nod their heads out of fear and curse behind the backs their bosses and bosses curse them openly here.

These and many more points fails the anology here on all logical angles,my dear.

Maybe you have a honeymoon with your auditor and have a happytime in the office but what about 75% of the student community?

Say this "Bhashaan" to some student and let me see what they say.Im sure you wont be garlanded by them or given any boquets!

Just kidding yaar, dont take it seriously.Your intentions are good just that you needed a better analogy.

rajumithra.c.s.inter (student) (46 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

ok sorry

if you thik what wil happen tell me before it was p2 after they re made pcc next ipcc this or all onley for the some students.

don't take serious about this ok my dear................................... if ca doing for the self purpose or company purpose yur done? all is it going tough for students not officers or presidents sir............ somedy make somethig means all the peoples making same mistakes........

if all the students sit like this they will change everday and next who  will face problelms you or students................ your already finhised course we are nt completted anything known we are started ok sir ........ think for all not for you............... thanking you sir........ have a nice a day....... if you any mistake is there excusmeeeeeeee........

Elance_Donfray (Student (IPCC)) (75 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

Just my 2 cents -- there is no point in discussing this thing because no one is going to take an action. Perhaps, this won't even get noticed by the institute guys. We're not going to change it, unless the ICAI does it all on their own.


LOLLZZ!! waste of time

Vidhyashankar (CA) (1292 Points)
Replied 18 June 2009

Originally posted by :Elance_Donfray
" Just my 2 cents -- there is no point in discussing this thing because no one is going to take an action. Perhaps, this won't even get noticed by the institute guys. We're not going to change it, unless the ICAI does it all on their own.
LOLLZZ!! waste of time


Did you hear the news by someone saying the ICAI would consider changing the Transfership ban?

I have my doubts now whether you are an IPCC student as your comments tell me that you are acting in a sterotypical CA behaviour who wants to discourage subtly every little move made for progress of the profession and wants to stay in status-quo.

Lolllz it is a waste of time for me to even reply hereafter, I prefer replying to a student, who taunts me than a CA who is in a statusquo



Thanks for coming out with such a topic.

First of all, about the 3-1/2 years articleship - while the idea of practical training while you study is good, the actual situation, i mean the ground reality is not all that good. I am enumerating here the reasons:-

1. There is a subject called Auditing which says "Every entry in the books should be supported by a Voucher"

I do vouching as per Vouching chapter, but my principal, instead of adressing the irregularities, is asking me to pass some more bogus expense entries so that his DEAR client need not pay any tax.

"Auditors are professionals" - YES but in commiting master frauds.

Now what am I supposed to learn from this kind of practical training??

(Please dont justify this. A mistake is a mistake even if GOD does it and dont say no against your conscience.)

Though everybody knows this (including Mr. VidhyaShankar) they will cover it up and say CA is the noblest profession.

Dont insult the word Noble yaar.

2. What is the point in doing the same kind of work for 3-1/2 years - vouching, reconciliation, confirmation, valuation,  & tax? This lengthy period can be reduced or we could be put on different

kinds of training, say, industrial visits, project work, checking and understanding how banks and insurance companies work (I mean the compliances & not every day functioning),  govt funding, and many other innovative forms of training.

3. The work leaves us with little time to study.


Secondly, the ban on the transfer. Isn't it so aristocratic? If I join a firm and  I find that I dont like it or it doesnot have much work, and I am a kind of person who want to do lot of work & learn as much as possible, I would obviously want to shift, then, whats wrong in transfer? Imagine working in a firm for 3-1/2 years with little learning and little work, is that not waste of time? It is a form of curtailing the little freedom we had.

Thirdly, the stipend. very very less, Just to make up for the conveyance from home to office. Thats all. I know my MBA friends (Madras University) who went for internship during their last 6 months of study and got stipend as high as Rs.15000 p.m. Do we do any kind of lesser work? Why not we be better paid? And if I go by Management terminology, thats motivation for work.

Lastly many of the principals, who are supposed to teach us, have not updated their knowledge withthe latest changes, developments and amendments taking place. Among those I have seen and heard, many of the auditors dont know e-filing (only seniors know), to be worse, some even dont know the latest income tax slab rates and provisions, etc. etc. They are happily settled, somehow passed, got some well-paying clients, found some tiring Articles and stopped there, no updation of knowledge. (I am not saying all are like that, but many whom I have seen and heard, especially the medium sized firms are this way, If u bet on this, I will give you the names and addresses of such auditors, you can interrogate them and confirm for yourself) Now what should we learn from them?

(The only thing I have learnt is "Not to be like them")



varsha (article assistant) (33 Points)
Replied 19 June 2009

  I think the present CA System is outdated. All the rules are made in favour of The Chartered Accountants. There is no separate committee for students grievances which are by the way is increasing instead of diminishing. The rules related to articleship timings are not being followed by majority of the firms. The articles are paid very less and they work according to the whims and fancy of the CA and they have to bear the brunt of his anger as they have no other choice. If the timings mentioned were actually adhered to , most of the articles would actually fininsh their articleship period in one and a half years maximum. So what is the actual point of the rules? These are my views being an actual victim of the above mentioned circumstances.  


Rock (student) (1523 Points)
Replied 19 June 2009

First of all i feel sorry for you Varsha ...Because like you there are so many article assistants suffering ....But ICAI cant bring any changes ..Because Chartered accountants , themselves only have to realise that Students should be given time for studying or coaching etc..

Now a days Chartered Accountants stressing more on Article assistants because they had also done Articleship in their early periods...

As they cant take revenge on their Chartered Accountants , they are showing their anger on us and utilising us for their work  ...#

After all ,Charetered Accountants are  known for  how to maximise profits or work from any body ( especially Article Assistants ) ...

what do you say guys..??

But there are so many Chartered Accountants who leave Article students at correct time ....


yes iqbalji u r right not allauditorscan belike vidhyashankar but most of them are very bad my auditor even slapsme and looks wt me in ugly way as if he is going to eat sick and crying...why he behave so?i dunt know doesnt he have daughters or motherorsister? if i give complaint will icai take action why this ban on transfership?if too much i leave this course and go...myselfrespect important mereliye..

Rock (student) (1523 Points)
Replied 19 June 2009

Yes priya you can try first complaining against him to that atleast they can suggest you what to do...No auditor have right to slap or use abuse words or any thing else ....He can be disqualified , if he against CODE OF ETHICS....Just try first

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