Dear Sagar (& Others),
You are right. No proper guidance are given to the students except good-good words. There is a lack of proper counseling to the students.
Initially; I have given certain funny comments but we are here to ascertain what to do next when such poor results are there.
I take the career as profit centre.
A businessmen has to close the business activities if there are no profits despite making huge investments. This is from businessmen side. Another side is that despite making huge investment by the investors; they were not properly rewarded by most of the companies; history speaks.
So one has to take smart decisions. Only hard work will not pay.
Here I wish to share my own experience. The Institute wish to qualify only those students whose performance is outstanding. The confidence of outstanding performance is rare in the students. The big question is why such confidence is not there.
When we suggest students to refer certain modules and/or books; they are afraid of big volume/size. At one time they wish to get one of best course in the world and at the second time they don't wish to take pains.
Very few students read regularly. It is a fact. Training is a burdensome for them and it is the reason that they feel fatigue. Although I agree that training is not up to the mark. But still whatever is available; a lot can be learned which students don't care during training hours.
When students do vouching; hardly they apply their mind. It is just ticking for them. When they have balance sheet in their hands; they never try to compare the previous results. So the analytical exercise is missing.
They don't maintain their own diary what they did in a day. If they maintain their diary; they will be alert. Ask me how - because they can analytically see what is their progress. This is the first step towards CA training. We check the records of others and therefore we should maintain our own records perfect. Technically speaking; these records are known as working paper.
Tell me; how many students see the NOTES ON ACCOUNTS of an audited balance sheet very carefully. For them; this is just a copy paste exercise. Whatever corrections are made by the boss; they don't take care why the balance sheets finalized by us have been modified.
If one take seriously the NOTES ON ACCOUNTS part only, they will very well know about practical application of accounting standards.
Similarly; students like to work on computers but when one sees the marks scored by them in MICS then the situation is very miserable. They just read the study materials and don't try to know which types of softwares are now available in the market. They don't know how to install certain softwares which are freely available at various sites. Very few have real knowledge about Management Information System.
The requirement of passing CA is to be at par with the Boss's working. (Don't comment on him, you have chosen yourself as your boss).
Be so confident about the subjects that whenever you are asked about a particular situation; you can immediately solve that.
The message of the Institute is : AWAKE ALL THE TIME.
Read my article ONE SHOT SUCCESS IN CA
(which has been copied at various sites and blogs)
(which is very relevant to you all particularly at this time after the declaration of the results)
(These articles are also copied at various sites and blogs).
Above all; if after preparation you can say that YES, I CAN PERFORM EXCELLENTLY then surely you will get success in CA exams.
Wish you all the best.