Advices for Female students doing CA

Page no : 5


You are the inspirationnnn for ussss................

Venkat (Completed All Exams of CA ICWA CS MBA(F) M.Sc (Maths) DIEM CIMA(UK) &&& From USA --> CPA CMA CFM CISA CISM PMP AdVanced Certification in SAP-FI/CO *** Working in USA as a Manager with a Big-4 Consulting / Audit Firm)   (141 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

Vidhyashankar...... Good Post....

Guys / Girls, I would say "Will Power" is Most Important. You should know what you are tending towards / want to achieve, learn how to achieve that, meticulously plan to achieve that, control and manage the risks, dare to execute and face / manage problems and 'last but one' is to "achieve".

Finally, most important point is - "Do not take Success to Head and Failure to Heart" .... If you succeed, think its a small thing done and big one is yet to come.... If you fail, attribute all fault to you (not to others) and plan even more to hit that (if doing that still makes sense). Remember - "Quitters Never Win, Winners Never Quit" ! .................. Good Luck ......

1 Like


 "Vidhya shankar " an "ALLROUNDER"..................

manisha (part time teaching and in practice)   (210 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

very nice thoughts

surbhi (ARTICLE) (89 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

gud thoughts sir. seriously ur topics r damm gud

Kruti (C.A. Final Student) (195 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

thank you very much sir..i am very much motivated by this artice as its very my finals are in nov 2009..;

Neha Nigalye (student) (22 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009


Thanxalt.. Wonderful aricle. Hope to see sm more motivatin stuff frm u.. Thanx again

phanindra (IFA) (121 Points)
Replied 24 June 2009

Originally posted by :Priya
" sir u r GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THATS all i can sAY... "

I dont think so...he is definetly human. But  really a good job for his fellow humans. keep that going....all the best.

Originally posted by :phanindra prakash

Originally posted by :Priya

sir u r GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THATS all i can sAY...

I dont think so...he is definetly human. But  really a good job for his fellow humans. keep that going....all the best.


heychillzzzi dint meant that inrealfashion dont get was juszz mywayof saying he is gr8...thats all...sorry if wrong...

Deepa (CA final student) (83 Points)
Replied 25 June 2009

thanks for encouraging and giving equal opportunity for gals specially married women. No one is there to encourage married students but u r there. Thanks once again sir.


i thinkhe has touched all women'sheart very indian male can thinkllike this and having toughtime with my boss and am losing hope on males when suddenly...out ofthee blllueeeee vidhyashankarhappens!

Deepa (CA final student) (83 Points)
Replied 25 June 2009

thanks for encouraging and giving equal opportunity for gals specially married women. No one is there to encourage married students but u r there. Thanks once again sir.

Deepa (CA final student) (83 Points)
Replied 25 June 2009

thanks for encouraging and giving equal opportunity for gals specially married women. No one is there to encourage married students but u r there. Thanks once again sir.

vidhi (student) (26 Points)
Replied 25 June 2009

heya thanx..... dats really inspiring for me even wuld b for evrybody out der... !!!!

Replied 25 June 2009

i m mother of 2 yr old naughty boy ca final and cs final year student.  it requires too much determination and confidence in u. Parents can understand ur failures and hope u will do better next but convincing ur husband & inlaws is a tough task. u can be easily hurt when ur husband says " u said that u wil pass even the previous attempt".  At one point of time instead of looking him as a life partner i have started looking him as a competitor. Relations break. especially when ur husband is BE .Its tough time for both married men and women pursuing  CA  emotionally and financially.

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