Fully Agree.....
hi.i too agree wid all ur views but i wud like to put my point also.most popular discussion ..............ok.c there is no hard and fast rules abt posting or writting in popuar discussion cci is a platform where people of all generations exist as in students,experts,FCA etc and may b what one thinks is important may not b important for other,most popular discussion doest not imply that v hv to discuss only abt studies,frnd r also integeral part of our lives and they do come into popular discussion.and v all know all work and no play makes jack a dull boy,v dont hv any dos and donts abt posting our view so i dont think that topic related to our studies can only b popular there can b lot many other popular discussions also.i know i'll hv many people against it bt this is what i think
(The Easy are never Good and the Good are never Easy....)
(4952 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
Yes I do believe Administrator need to do some arragements while choosing a topic to display in popular discussion section..
The topics should not be listed based on replies, but by the content of the topic..
But CCI is the best platform for the professionals as it helps in different angles............
(131 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
Originally posted by : Ankur Garg | ||
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For me Admin and Moderators are doing fine…not much change is required. Thanks Harini and Arun. Ankur |
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No doubt, they are doing good job, but improvement is required.
Let the users must have "say" and ADMIN should give an ear to it.
(Practising CA at Surat)
(26263 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
The most important point is :
The point allotting system now requires instant modification to retain
valuable experts ACTIVE on the site.
The matter has also been brought to the notice to the Admin
regarding this in a detailed manner just 7 days back.
At many places some "absurd" postings are made by
"foreigners" ( non - members ) as their "advertisement"
to buy shoes etc.
especially in the articles section
which are popular among the readers !
( No due care is being taken so far despite giving
so many reminders to the Admin ).
Now it is high time to remove totally irrelevant posts which neither adds to some knowledge nor presents any humour and surely these posts may be treated like "murder" of "experts" who enter into "No Entry" region to give their opinion.
Moreoever CCI is presently in the grip of students who ask repeated questions and this way they ruin time of the experts. No doubt students do a lot of fun at caclub which is desired to feel free from stress of training and studies.
Some experts are also of the same category; they just write : I agree.....I don't agree ( Do you agree with me on this statement )?.
Moreover; students and experts don't try to search at caclub.
This facility is already there at caclub but used rarely.
For example; right now the readers can see on the left side of this post :
Related Threads.
This thread is also "racing" towards
CA Ayush Agarwal
(27196 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
Ya, There are Many points on Which Admin Should Notice, Many Thing to Improve.
Amar Kumar
(CA Final , Intern )
(1095 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
Well i would like to suggest to everyone is that sometimes we should accept things the way they are.
If the *popular discussion* is decided on the basis of number of replies, let it be. What's the problem?
Maybe the problem is that when a member shares something what he feels is a good contribution and it is not acknowledged or it doesn't make it to *popular discussion* he/she feels bad about it and that is the root of the discussion about what and what should not be in the popular discussion. So, my only advice is (and it always has been) in the end, CAclub is a website...it has methods of it's own.Don't take things personally or think so deeply about it. Contribute to it & Move on.
I don't know how many people have noticed it....but this thread too is in the *popular discussion* It is not related to any subject in our CA curriculum. It is about an issue @ Caclub. Maybe it is eating up the chance of some other "Worthy" post to be in the *Popular discussion*
Don't take things too seriously @ CAclub.
(Practising CA at Surat)
(26263 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
There is mass misconception that CA curriculum is the most boring and its training system is stressful.
So in most of the cases; the replies to technical queries are also go to that direction because neither experts find it interesting nor the readers find it so.
For them; it is a compulsion to attend as they have to attend Government Departments when notices are issued.
I have attended many times Government Departments and made by discussions funny.
Please don't open books only when there is a compulsion.
Don't attend someone only when it is urgent.
And .....Don't laugh .....only when it is the need of
attending a Laughin Club !
In this world; everywhere is opportunity where a work is deemed/taken as typical. For some workers (performers); it may be treated as interesting or for many others; it may be a matter of hardworking.
What you think is your choice - no compulsion at all which to choose.
( People like moovie but who don't know uninteresting steps completed behind a successful moovie ).
The question is not of popularity; the question is of enjoyment with work !
Let we try to make our life more wonderful than we think.
( I mean : Challenge yourself ).
(360 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
@ Harini mam, toatally agree with u. it may be automatic setting done by Admin
[ High viewers = Popular Discussion in CCI (LIKE or UNLIKE is no matter)]
& CCI is best bcoz all cci member (Teacher, Student, & friends) share/contribute the good things( recent updates,knowledgable things, study material,career or profession related,inspirational things, or any other good things)
(131 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
"Poularity" is a subjective matter, so it may be renamed as "MOST VIEWED" or "MOST REPLIED".
And, just for an idea, "POULARITY" may be decided by "THANKS" conveyed to the first post of the thread.
(131 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012
Originally posted by : Liza | ||
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@ Harini mam, toatally agree with u. it may be automatic setting done by Admin [ High viewers = Popular Discussion in CCI (LIKE or UNLIKE is no matter)] & CCI is best bcoz all cci member (Teacher, Student, & friends) share/contribute the good things( recent updates,knowledgable things, study material,career or profession related,inspirational things, or any other good things) |
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IF this is the case, then this thread is going to be POPULAR now.
@ Amar Kumar.
Well i would like to suggest to everyone is that sometimes we should accept things the way they are.
Y one should accept it blindly? when they can give suggession/ views for the necessary changes to happen! Only the person who cannot think or who is lazy will accept the things the way they are!
If the *popular discussion* is decided on the basis of number of replies, let it be. What's the problem?
The Problem is already well explained in the topic itself, Ya it may not be a problem for those who use cci as a fun zone.
Maybe the problem is that when a member shares something what he feels is a good contribution and it is not acknowledged or it doesn't make it to *popular discussion* he/she feels bad about it and that is the root of the discussion about what and what should not be in the popular discussion.
I dont have anwer for this pathetic imagination.
So, my only advice is (and it always has been) in the end, CAclub is a website...it has methods of it's own.Don't take things personally or think so deeply about it. Contribute to it & Move on.
Every member including CPT students know about this basic rules, however there is no wrong in making/giving suggession to make a valid change.
I don't know how many people have noticed it....but this thread too is in the *popular discussion* It is not related to any subject in our CA curriculum. It is about an issue @ Caclub.
I congratulate u for your great findings about this post that it is not related to any subject of our CA curriculam.
Maybe it is eating up the chance of some other "Worthy" post to be in the *Popular discussion*
Then Y u r wasting your time in posting your valuable comments in unworthy topic? Show ur talent in worthy topic!.
Don't take things too seriously @ CAclub.
Is this advice for others or for yourself?
Karan Teli
(Life Is just an Illusion...!!)
(4573 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012
Now, did u look that this topic "Popular Disucssion" is know the popular disucssion...??
Any guesses why this is such even when it is not related to studies or professional matter...??
Its because it has 671 views and 28 replies.., As of now the highest. and most discussed one..,
its all in built process of the system where the highest and the hot topic becomes the popular discusion and this would be surely changed by admin soon.
And not to forget, the same incident happend with my post dear chitra..! It had more than 1000 views, 15 thanks and 40 replies.., It would definately hurt to the author of the post which had skipped in a contraversy without any reason for it.., ( i was the author of this forum)
I would ask you one question that dont u have a personal life...?? Dont you celebrate your pals birthday...?? Yaar, CCI is another home for many and their does exist a virtual bonding in people here which ultimately turns to personal bonding..,
You would soon realise it when you be a regular to CCI.
Chalo lets speak up professionally as u desire...!! Basic Ethics also do demand not to take a persons name or to point out some one some thing in some discussions or contraversaries then where are they...????