**Popular Discussion**

Page no : 4

Liza (student) (360 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012

 correctly said  Ankur Sir



Members whatever may be your views about this topic share it only in the discussion section.

Sending PM to other members is totally not acceptable. 

This is below par behaviour.

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*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012

My every day is fulfilled with tears, happiness, surprise ...

Infact every emotion...

I guess your day also go in the same way .....

sometime u just wanna sit lonely n do nothing ....

Right ???


If u agree with above , then u already know it's human nature .

and we need every emotion. So there is nothing like popular discussion ............

bcz even m unable to find out whenever I used to write motivational articles, they become popular discussion.

bt when I posted study series, I didn't got so much responses.my study posts hardly half of them came in popular discussion.  and I still can't believe that admin choosed me most thanked member of the same month ...

so what to say about it .........................


And sry once again ...

I don't think celebrating brdy or sharing ur good moments doesn't deserve to be in popular discussion. As bcz this gives the feeling that People on CCi are so supporting.

and even in our firm we get mails, when anyone's brdy, marriage anniversary comes .....Y?

bcz human lives in society and being social is not at all a bad thing.


And abt the rest .....change is good. So I guess, Admin will surely change something in forum section also.


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*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012

I want to add one thing more ....

I had already deleted my profile which I created with fake name "Palak" . I made that Id for fun... just to play prank upon my best frn.

but after some days 5-22 dec ......i felt so good here on CCI cool....made so good frnsangel ...

and then I created my new profile with my nick name "Naina"  which I had to delete on 8 march , as I afraid......I can't control people and their flirting behaviour.....

and since then I made my new profile on CCI which is still there from 9 march 2011

My first forum was about a story and then tips for Info tech.....

and phir I took writing seriously bcz someone commented upon my ego.....

and then from that day onwards .......m writing. It's not bcz someone is getting something or not....

It's bcz  I feel pleasant whn it's useful to my frns ....or some strangers who became my good frn afterwards.

If i had not been motivated to shayad stories ke baad kabhi useful posts karne ka koi irada nahi hota.....

so those who are sharing motivational postlaugh .....may be some day also write something really useful.enlightened...

let ppl openup by themselves. Everyone has a unique quality  which grows when people are supporting.

banning such posts as u described can somewhere kill people's dream intentionally or unintentionally.

think about that prospect as wellmail ..................

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K.K.K. (Professional) (131 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012

Haai RENU,

Are you the same person who is a team member of CCI?

Joey Tribbiani (fdg) (2010 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012

Originally posted by : *RENU SINGH *

I want to add one thing more ....

I had already deleted my profile which I created with fake name "Palak" . I made that Id for fun... just to play prank upon my best frn.

but after some days 5-22 dec ......i felt so good here on CCI ....made so good frns ...

and then I created my new profile with my nick name "Naina"  which I had to delete on 8 march , as I afraid......I can't control people and their flirting behaviour.....

and since then I made my new profile on CCI which is still there from 9 march 2011

My first forum was about a story and then tips for Info tech.....

and phir I took writing seriously bcz someone commented upon my ego.....

and then from that day onwards .......m writing. It's not bcz someone is getting something or not....

It's bcz  I feel pleasant whn it's useful to my frns ....or some strangers who became my good frn afterwards.

If i had not been motivated to shayad stories ke baad kabhi useful posts karne ka koi irada nahi hota.....

so those who are sharing motivational post .....may be some day also write something really useful....

let ppl openup by themselves. Everyone has a unique quality  which grows when people are supporting.

banning such posts as u described can somewhere kill people's dream intentionally or unintentionally.

think about that prospect as well ..................


There is nothing against original posts,but what about copy paste stuff????


bt c cci does not imply v always hv to  post abt studies,its a common platform for finance profffessionals where v can share our problems bcoz v all can relate to it as v all belong to same academic backgrounds,and i dont think cci has some rule book that v hv to follow regarding our post,everybody is free to write,and even if its copy paste,if v take a different perspective may b smone comes across a good message and wants to share on cci then whats the harm in it????y do v want cci to b a serious platform,its been divded into different categories like humour,tax etc.y r v creating a fuss over it????????????

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I created my new profile with my nick name "Naina" which I had to delete on 8 march , as I afraid......I can't control people and their flirting behaviour.....


Request to girl members.

Please dont play with boy's emotions by creating fake id's.

There is no harm in concensual flirting.

@ Renu ji,

Thanks for sharing your views but i never said about banning such posts.


@ arunkumar - u mean flirting is permitted on cci bt discussions shud b only abt studies???????????


..the concept of selecting the topic for the popular discussion based on the number of replies needs to be avoided ..

@ Ankur sir,

I told so because some post which are not very relevant for students, gets the place in popular discussion because of no of replies it gets, and other important query post dont make it popular discussion inspite of its utility & urgency.

More over the intention of my post is not to pressurize the admin in any way..

I just shared my views/ opinions. 


@ arunkumar- plz take it as a healthy discussion i hv nthg against u ,bt i really wanna know what is the criterion for judging a topic to b important or not?????????????

CA Ayush Agarwal (Kolkata-Pune-Mumbai) (27196 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012


Ya This is True.....


Actually sometimes the more useful and informative posts are left behind and dont come under the popular discussions.

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114783 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012

Arraaa Nahi Arun bhai...the pressure phrase was not for you. It was regarding the overall impact undesirably generated by the post.


Though it was a good point but actualy no change required in this regard...(opinion only).



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Originally posted by : Ankur Garg

Arraaa Nahi Arun bhai...the pressure phrase was not for you. It was regarding the overall impact undesirably generated by the post.


Though it was a good point but actualy no change required in this regard...(opinion only).



i agree wid u sir

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114783 Points)
Replied 13 March 2012




 It is an old habit of some old members here to create a fuss again and again…asking Admin to change this and that….and they always use other’s post to put their thoughts…..


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