06 January 2014
One of my client, co-operative society applied in 2006 for PAN got PAN containing 4th character as 'J' means status as Artificial Judicial Person. while their actual status is 'co-operative society' till AY 2012-13 we were filling Itr 5 with status as co-operative society. now for current year when we are trying to fill Itr 5 with that PAN and status as co-operative society. they are subject to Tax audit u/s 44AB. their tds is also deducted which amount to more than 5lakh. now problem is when we select status as co-operative society and put that allotted PAN, Itr 5 shows as invalid pan for co-operative society and if v file Itr with status as Artificial Judicial Person we are not able to claim deduction u/s 80p. and for current year also (AY 14-15) same PAN with contractor, their TDS is deducted more than 1.5lakh. what is most feasible solution in this situation?