12 April 2010
We passed a entry for Doubtful Debts provision last yr i.e. Bad & Doubtful debts Dr To Provison for Bad Dets Cr. Now we want to write off this prov mean these are complety bad debts.What exact entries i have to pass in accounts.
14 April 2010
Dear Akhilesh, the provision for Bad and doubtful debts is always made through P/L A/c by passing the entry : P/L A/c Dr. To RDD A/c If the debt is bad then only we pass the entry in debtors A/c as: Bad debts A/c Dr. To Party A/c for doubtful debts, entry can not be passed in debtors A/c as it is made on estimated basis on total amount of debtors outstanding. Regards, CA Shakuntala Chhangani