22 August 2012
If there is no tax due on income declared in return, Rs.5k on 271F. If tax is due then penal interest vide 234A,B,C and penalty under section 271F
23 August 2012
I would just like to clarify further that penalty of Rs. 5,000 is shall be applicable if return is filed after the end of AY i.e. 31st march,
Your question is not so clear and on one line but on two lines. Within bracket you have referred it as Income Tax but your mention of 92B, 194C, 194J and 194I hints that you are talking about e-filing of TDS Returns.
But the more clear line is that you are referring for e-filing of TDS Returns. In this case you will e-file Qtrly. Returns without any payment of Late Fee. And later on ITO (TDS) may decide to charge any late fee or not.
In case you are referring Income Tax (though it do seems so) then Mr Motresha has replied correctly.