Waht is sip?

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07 January 2012 I have no knowledge about Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). Can you explain me what is SIP and how does it functions? I wanted to invest Rs. 1000.00 p.m. in SIP and is it right to invest in current stock market scenario where market is going downside? Should I opt for SIP provided by Mutual Funds or Banks? Can you suggest some good SIP scheme provider.

Your guidance would be very helpful to me, please throw some light on SIP.

07 January 2012 SIP is analogus to Recurring Doeposit. whre in u in certain amt every month towards certain scheme of MF instead of paying lumpsum amt.
This is right time. since mkt is at lower end it is expected to rise in future.
for time being Bank's FD seems better option.

07 January 2012 At every month u will purchase certain shares , without looking at the prices of those shares.
SIP is much risky , ur money can finish in SIP.
Dont be misguided by the word Systematic....

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