30 April 2020
RESPECTED SIR WE have purchased following material from one party BROCHER 39,000.00 VISITING CARD 49,800.00 BENEFIT & CHARGHES 25,200.00 ENEVELOP 26,700.00 LETTERHEAD 3,799.74 ROLL UP STENDY (3X6) 29,500.00 STICKER 11,310.00 USER MANUAL 16,500.00 WELCOME LETTER 1,125.00 ROLL UP STENDY(2.5X5) 4,200.00 LEAFLET MULTI COLOUR 27,500.00 Total 234,634.74
whether tds become Applicable on that ? please advice for the same
30 April 2020
As per clause e If material not provided by our company No tds become applicable even if work is done as per our requirement Then why tds become applicable?
30 April 2020
As per above said printings supplier supplied the services with material then it will consider as Contract and TDS applicable... Also it's not a purchase. The purchase means we going to a stationary shop and buy items in the shop without giving order by we....