01 March 2011
We are a Partnership Firm, Please Suggest us that can we deduct TDS for this employee Mr. Somnath Ghosh :
Financial Year 2010-11 Salary (April to january,11) Rs. 1,53,466.00 bonus Rs. 15,000 Deducted P.F(April to january,11)9208.00 Deducted P.Tax(April to january,11)1240.00 ADDITIONAL Salary (Feb to March,11) 31,000.00 Deductable P.F(Feb to march,11)1,860.00 Deductable P.Tax (Feb to march,11)260.00
He(Somnath ghosh) already given us (dated 31/12/2010) Xerox Copy of NSC(Nation Saving Certificate) Rs. 35,000.00 for this Financial Year
So please suggest us immediately Can We deduct TDS to Somnath Ghosh