Sugestion for ca final classes

This query is : Resolved 


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
10 February 2013 Hi sir

i have completed my pcc exam in the month of nov 2012. now i am in perplexity about the ca final attempt in the may 2013. but still i did not take classes anywhere due to not knowing about it.
but i would like to give attempt in the month of may 2013. but up to may 2013 sfm (strategic financial management) would only be completed.

please suggest me that whether am i eligible to appear in may to get exemption of mafa.

and also suggest me the coaching centres in hyd as well as in chennai.

thanking u sir

Phanindhra kotha

10 February 2013 Congratulations to clear the PCC in November 2012. You are eligible to write the examinations in may provided the 6 month period and calculations are fulfilled by you. It must be obvious that you must have been through your articleship or still in last 6 months period.
Hence you are eligible to write. Coming to SFM in hyderabad we have Sastry sir who is solely the king of this subject to deliver lectures at the best and i believe the classes must be coming to end also. Further you may also contact on this number 040-30423043.
If you dedicate your time completely and study smart you may clear the examinations


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
17 February 2013 However there is no vacancy even for november 2013 examinations, in shastry sir class.

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