05 March 2008
SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY PARK (STP) ONLY CONCENTRATES ON SOFTWARE UNITS AND DEV. OF SUCH UNITS IN SOFTWARE IND. SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IS NOT RESTRICTED TO ANY PARTICULAR IND. OR UNIT . THIS ZONE IS FOR SPECIAL DEV. OF ALL ELIGIBLE UNITS IN THE ZONE.THE HORIZONS ARE WIDE IN SEZ WHERE AS THEY ARE CONFINED IN STP. LOOK WHAT OUR NASSCOM CHIEF SAYS ON THE DIFEERENCE. "We have suggested to the Government to extend the SEZ concessions offered to the STPI units and allow them to be on par with them. Then all companies registered as STPI units can avail themselves of the concessions offered to SEZ units. Unless this is done, large companies for instance, with inherent advantages, are better placed to locate new centres or even move to these SEZs, and small and medium companies would be hard pressed to keep pace," FOR MORE DETAILS ,PL. VISIT WEBSITES ON SEZ AND STPI. GOOGLE SEARCH BAR CAN ALSO BE OF MUCH USE. R.V.RAO