Service tax

29 August 2012 We are manufacturing unit as we are receiveing services like Manpower & Security services as well as we are paying GTA on carrige out.

We are takeing above services from private limited company as well as propriety firm .

As per new amedments what are the step we have to take .

Nitin Haldikar

30 August 2012 Dear Nitin,

1) For the following three services - reverse charge mechanism is not applicable if service received from Body corporate

- Manpower supply including security service
- Renting or Hiring of any Motor vehicle
- Works contract

For other cases refer Notification number - 30/2012

30 August 2012 If we received this services from Propriety firm then what is proceture.& how we can treated in books specialy if propriety gave the bill on 25% how we pay 75% & when how we can treated.

Nitin Haldikar

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