07 May 2016
I need to upload form 15G but i have not deducted tax of any person hence filing of TDS return not required i my case.When i am going to register my TAN, efilling website transfer this process to TRACES and that is require details related to TDS return like token no. etc.
Please guide me how to register TAN on Income tax efilling only for the purpose of uploading form 15G .
07 May 2016
Dear Rupali,
The same issue was faced by me today. On having a conversation with the toll free number of tds-cpc, they've informed me that we have two options:
1. File a tds return with a paid challan (min ₹1).
2. Wait for the site to update itself. No confirm news of when it'll be available on efiling site was informed.
I'd recommend you file a tds return with min ₹1, let the return process, only then you'll be able to register yourself as a tax deductor on Traces.