In case of 24Q for Quarter 4, Whether in salary details all the details like deductions and other information as per format is given compulsory or not? Or we would only give the details of salary ans TDS deducted during the whole year?
05 April 2016
Divyesh, it's better to give how we arrive the Tax and the Total salary paid to an employee and what Deductions we allowed to him. When ITD compare data with the Employee's ITR, both will reflect the same. Apart from these, the calculations are needed by TRACES, so only they frame the format of TDS Annexure 2 or Salary details. So give accordingly.
05 April 2016
Thank You sir, But can i give only net taxable salary in salary detail and dont give any information regarding deduction claimed under 80c, 80d etc. and not provide other income details? Or full details is details is given compulsorily?