26 February 2013
Hello Sir/Madam, Our client has mentioned under 'commodities dealth in" in the applicationf or TIN as RO/UV Water filters. Now he wishes to expand his business by dealing in other home appliances as well. Is this ultravires the KVAT Act? Or should he apply for a new TIN to deal in a different set of commodities? Kindly provide me with a response. Thanks in advance.
02 March 2013
Ms Asha, You can change or add any commodity that are going to be dealt to the same registration certificate(both VAT and CST).Now ths is to be done on-line.Open the CTD web site WWW.ctax.kar.nic.in,clik e-regstrtion and up load the necessary changes in the commodity in the VAT and CST certificate. Then issue a letter to the LVO regarding the changes you have made and ask him to approve it,mentioning the acknowledgement number you get from the computer.It will be regularised....MJK