09 March 2010
Can anyone tellme how to get refund of cenvat credit. At present what we do is file for the rebate claim on material exports made onpayment of duty.
But the cenvat credit lying inbooks are very prolonged period is there any other way out to get the refund for the unutilised cenvat credit.
09 March 2010
The Rule 5 of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 prescribes to refund of accumulated credit amount in the certain circumtances. The limitations and consition have been laid down in the Notification No. 5/2006-CE(NT) dated 14.03.2006 which may be gone through. For further query, feel free to write sanjayinfbd@yahoo.com (M-09350048731) or visit, HNO. 2489/8,Faridabad(Haryana).