04 August 2012
Please provide more facts as advt also covered under negative list, also is there any transfer of property in goods while performing services.
04 August 2012
Advertisement service is not works contract..advertisement through board, horading, magazines etc are covered by negative list and service tax will not be applicable. thanks
04 August 2012
w.e.f 01st July 2012 all type of advertisement services are exempt from service tax except where Sale of space or time for advertisement are broadcast on radio or television or Sale of time slot by a broadcasting organization.
04 August 2012
Even after 01st July 12, the works contract refer only to CONSTRUCTION as per service tax (finance act) Pl. don't mingle advt contract to works contract
04 August 2012
The works contract says about not only construction but also maintenance and repair works of goods where material and labour is involved. But advertisement service will not come under works contract.