Other certified courses

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
07 November 2013 I am doing articleship from past six months and now i want to do some short certified course so that i can get some income and can manage my expenses...if u know anything let me know about it.

07 November 2013 certification in tally,microsoft certification in Ms -office,SAP-fico certification.Knowledge of tds,income tax softwares,busy will be added advantage.Since you have just started your articleship try to take part in seminars conducted at regional offices,try to present papers in national/state seminars to improve your presentation & communication skills.
Further,gather all possible knowledge of your core area not merely bookish knowledge.
Have good command Ind AS/IFRS,revised schedule vi,new companies act,2013 & update yourself thoroughly with changes & ammendments from time to time.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
08 November 2013 In my firm we don't have tax related work so how to get knowledge of it and NSE provides certain certifications courses, will it help me to generate some source of income other than doing trading.

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