16 December 2011
What are central sale tax, maharashtra vat and service tax implications from point of view of a new indian private limited company which proposes to sell own branded software on cd and online via internet? ----------------------------------------- i understand madras high court has given below judgement (but its too complicating to me).
http://judis.nic.in/judis_chennai/qrydisp.aspx?filename=27311 ------------------------------------------ my view- i feel on service tax will be levied on service bill amount and vat on balance amount charged by software cd/online vendor. i think , service tax applicable clause is (105)(zzzze). --------------------------------- Please guide , is there double taxation on valuation of value for service tax and vat if we cannot bifurcate in the bill which is billed to ultimate retail consumer ? -------------------------------------- thanks, regards, www.CAnaresh.com,mr.kunjan shah, senior tax accountant,age 34,Mumbai