Long term infra bonds

This query is : Resolved 

17 January 2012 Hi,

I am looking forward to invest in Long term Infra bonds to get 80CCF benifit of IT.

Can you please help me explain the risks involved in investing in Infra bonds like L&T etc. For example L&T is offering 8.7 % interest on investment, will this be fixed. I mean is confirmed that investing 10,000 in that will return me with maturity amount at 8.7% or this is variable depending upon market.

What are the risks involved in infra bonds and what all things we need to take care before investing in them?

17 January 2012 http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012-01-10/news/30611804_1_section-80ccf-infrastructure-bonds-demat-account

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