26 September 2014
hi...how to study ipcc auditing pronouncements..and itt programme book is to be studied completely...or enough to study selective portions only.....and if leave some extra space (say half page)after writing an answer in a page and then i start the next answer in a fresh page...now should i strike off the space or leave it empty like that...as i heard that doung strikings and other markings in answer sheet is a criminal offence....thank u
27 September 2014
1.Audit pronouncements : First complete your revision of whole book then Once go through the pronouncements as it is.From second reading you will be able to corelate with all the matter given in pronouncements with what you have done in your revision. Do refer practice manual of audit. 2. for ITT ,whatever your ITT trainer has given taught you just consider that.They must have given you some short notes and important questions.That will be sufficient. 3.Leave the space as it is and do nothing. But if you are adopting the approach of leaving half page blank ,make sure you have complete all parts of one question at one place only.