29 August 2017
I have got a demand of INR 10 (INR 6 but rounded off to INR 10) for AY 17-18. Is this amount reqd to be paid (as it is petty)? if yes, how to pay this by quoting demand no? please reply asap as the 30 day deadline is nearing fast. Thanks in advance.
30 August 2017
it is advisable to pay Rs. 10/- You can pay it online or you can go to nearby bank which accepts income tax payment. (Just remember the rule.......lower the amount of demand not paid, higher is the damage to your goodwill.)
30 August 2017
Thanks Amol ji....I would like to know how do I quote the demand number so that the IT deptt comes to know against which demand the payment is being made....plz answer..