Information about all tax filing dates

This query is : Resolved 

30 September 2012 Dear Sir,
With reference to above subject i need all tax filingd dtes impose by indian Gov. to assesse should be paid on which date and till when ITD is alowed to paid or filing returns hence i request you to send me that on my mail id(

03 October 2012 The answer to your question in two parts.
The due dates of the filing of the tds returns and the Income Tax Return.

For the business entities every assesses are required to file e tds return on qtrly basis viz.

Qtr. 1 (Apr- June) 15th July
Qtr. 2 (Jul- Sept) 15th Oct
Qtr. 3 (Oct- Dec) 15th Janu
Qtr 3 (Janu- March) 15th April

In case of the Annual Income Tax Return, the due dates are as under

Individual/ Sole Proprietor Business
If no Tax Audit 31st July
In case of partnership firms/Sole proprietorship whose accounts are required to be Audited - 30th September

In case of any assessee hainv international business and are required to obtain the Transfer Pricing Report 30 Nov

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