01 June 2018
Dear Sir/Madam, Please find the link which may be useful to your quiery. https://docs.ewaybillgst.gov.in/html/faq.html
Handling the Bill to & ship to issues. Sometimes, the tax payer raises the bill to somebody and sends the consignment to somebody else as per the business requirements. There is a provision in the e-way bill system to handle this situation, called as ‘Bill to’ and ‘Ship to’. In the e-way bill form, there are two portions under ‘TO’ section. In the left hand side - ‘Billing To’ GSTIN and trade name is entered and in the right hand side - ‘Ship to’ address of the destination of the movement is entered. The other details are entered as per the invoice.
In case ship to state is different from Bill to State, the tax components are entered as per the billing state party. That is, if the Bill tolocation is inter-state for the supplier, IGST is entered and if the Bill to Party location is intra-state for the supplier, the SGST and CGST are entered irrespective of movement of goods whether movement happened within state or outside the state.