Help! CA Final (N) -> Futures -> Calculating TFP

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06 January 2011 I have a querry regarding the computation of e ^ x
[CA Final (New Syllabus), Strategic Financial Management, Valuation of Futures].
In calculation of Therotical Futures Price, we use the following formula:

TFP = Spot Price X e ^ (r x n)
How to Calculate the value of "e" without using Log - Antilog tables?

Another Question: Will the Institute give us "Log Tables"? If yes, They will be "Common Log Tables" or "Natural Log Tables"?

12 January 2011 HI

THE VALUE OF "e" IS 2.71828

12 January 2011 my dear you can calculate e^x without log table in some cases
when x is natural number(1,2,3,4......)
type of value of e i.e. 2.71828 in calculater
then press *(multiplication)
then press = (4-1) times

if this is in fraction
determine e^7
then determine sqrt of resut.
detrmine e^9
then determine the sqrt of answer twice

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