10 September 2020
In July 2020 GSTR1 i forgot to show exempt income of Rs.200000 while in July GSTR3B i mentioned the exempt income. What is the remedy of the same? Should i file Aug 2020 GSTR1 after taking into acccount this exempt Income? If yes then GSTR3B will also consist this exempt income as now these 2 returns are linked so there will be duplication of income in GSTR3B
10 September 2020
You can show missed out exempt income in GSTR-1 of august. you have already shown the same in 3B of july. Now even if auto drafted 3B shows exempt income in the month of august on the basis of GSTR-1 for august, it doesn't matter as you can still fill 3B manually. alternatively, you may correct the missed out turnover/income in GSTR-9. As exempt income does not GST implications so it will not matter much more so when you have shown the same correctly in 3B so missed out in 1 won't make much of a difference in my opinion.