06 January 2020
We have a gold loan business company that has annual turnover Rs 4 Crore for the FY 2017-18. Our branches are situated in three states and the total turnover in state wise is less than Rs 2 Crore. So, we have the following with regards to filing of GSTR 9 and GSTR 9C.
1. Whether we want to file separate GSTR 9C for each state? 2. If we need to file separately for each state then how to reconcile the total turnover as per GST Return and total turnover as per Consolidated Profit and Loss A/c?
06 January 2020
1. You have to file GSTR 9C for each state 2. The total turnover of all states should be reconciled with Turnover disclosed in P&L of the entity. you have to maintain state wise books of account for all outward and inward supplies, match the same with the turnover disclosed in returns, not with the total turnover in P&L.