17 January 2019
One of my client( Registered in Maharashtra) is organising an Exhibition( In Maharashtra) next Month and they have raised invoices for Sponsorship, while issuing invoices they charged C Gst + S Gst to those sponsorer who are registered in Maharashtra and charged IGST to the Sponsoerer who are registered outside Maharashtra. As the Exhibition is going to be held in Maharashtra, the place of supply is Maharashtra i advised them not to charge IGST to the outside Maharashtra Dealers and rectify the Bills by charging S GST and C GST. One of the Sponsoerer objected to this and insisting on charging IGST in the bill so that he could avail the ITC, and also asked explanation from us that why we should not charge IGST, Hope you will guide me on what is correct... Thanking you in advance
18 January 2019
under GST act GST will charge according to the address of customers, while supply made by you in another state. this concept was in VAT act.