03 May 2018
In this case place of supply is the place of the buyer not the shipping place. Here the buyer is from another state though unregistered so you have to charge IGST only and on the instruction of the buyer you can ship the consignment to your own state person as to your state person billing will be done by your buyer not by you so its clear that you will charge IGST.
03 May 2018
Yes... I fully agreed both of You with Sec 10 of IGST act... The Supply will be to a registered dealer and the register dealer intent to supply the above way then IGST applicable and no more questions...
In above situation the Buyer is a URD. He can't act a Inter State Supplier. So, The transaction can't response by the URD...
The seller can only act as intra state supply...
So, As per my reply the URD activities is main object...
Note :
(But, Explain yourself for the query.
How To act the URD in this supply...?)
So I asked the above said from the Querist...