04 January 2013
while filing of annual return form like 20 b & 23ac and 23aca there is a verification coloumn in which there is a line that 'I HAVE BEEN AUTHORISED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR RESOLUTION NO....DATED.....' query- what is that resolution no and if that resolution no.will be same in 20b and 23ac as well as in 23aca for the same accounting year?
This is just an authorization for file respective forms. in corporate world, some professional, usually pass a general authority resolution in first or any subsequent BM for giving an authority to upload any form in future by any director or secretary of the company .
or some professional, in every BM in every resloution write in the end that any of the directors or seceretary of the company is authorised to file this form.
Choice is your both are right
Day of BM and Passing No. of Resolution is required to file in E Forms only. Regards, ACS Amit Kumar