27 September 2011
I am newly qualified CA, cleared my final exams in May,2011. Now I want to start my own practice but I can't start it due to my financial problems. I am a middle class person and I can't arrange money form any outside or form my family resources. I want to know that does our Institute provide financial assistance to new practitioner for getting start their own practice? Please Help me soon........
27 September 2011
Institute has tie up with Corporation Bank. The Bank will provide you Loan for establishing new office, etc. in which moratoriup period also given for repayment. You can get the scheme of loan from the website of Corporation Bank.
27 September 2011
i advice you to work with a Big CA firm or a Corporate for a year or so. Then, you can always start your own practice. A CA office will be a better option for developing Contacts.