07 January 2011
for CAS FORMAT VISIT http://www.baptist.org.uk/resources/resource_downloads/268.pdf
CMA stands for Credit Monitoring Assessment and all the Indian corporates are required by all banks to analyse their balance sheet in this specific format called CMA data format and submit to banks. For Working Capital Requirement Generally this DATA is prepared for the five years two years audited one year estimated and next two year projected figures. Like if you are preparing this data as on today you have to prepare for 2008-09(Aud.), 2009-10 (Aud.) 2010-11(Esti.) 2011-12 (Proj), 2012-13(Proj.)
How to prepare CMA Data
To prepare CMA Data, one must have at least basic knowledge of accounts and analytical skills and most important, must be able to think from the point of view of the bank. There are five forms in CMA DATA
Form -I talks about the credit limits from the existing Banking Limits
Form -II is Operating Statement talks about Trading, Profit and loss a/c of the company.
Form -III is the analysis of the Balance Sheet of the company
Form -IV Analysis of Current Assets & Liabilities.