Ki$hor B's Expert Profile

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About me


Have done post graduation in management & commerce.

Have worked in few finance companies.

My passion, apart from music is to drive and spend time with pets.

It's a totally different feeling when I'm with my pets.

Am IT (not Income Tax) certified and have a fascination for the ERPs.


Nov. 28th,2012.

It's been only few months since I became a member here, I've made

real good friends and am hand in glove with their PMs & posts

on the forum. This site has given me an opportunity to rub

shoulders with some experts who reply without any greenbacks

on their mind.




    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    I can answer: Qs related to Project reports, ERP implementation, MIS, TDS and payroll.

    My area of expertise
    Project finance, ERP, MIS, Payroll & TDS

    My experience in the area (years):
    6 years

    Organizations I belong to:
    self employed

    Publications or writing which has appeared :
    CA sansaar

    Educational credentials:
    MBA,M.Com & GNIT

    Award & Honors:
    Won the table tennis tournament. Best presentation award in the induction program with my last employer - a finance company.

  • Asit Adhikari says : Entertainment Tax
    Dear Sir, Please tell me regarding Entertainment Tax in West Bengal. If possible then pl give us entertainment tax rate chart? When Return of this entertainment tax will have to submit & when payment to be made? Read more at:

  • somisettysivakumar says : ple send sample project reports ofr small scale in
    hi sir, iam accounts practioner dealer want project report of small scale industries for bank term loan purpose ple support me nad snd to my mail id ple... thanking you i am siv akumar

  • sumit kansal says : vat
    I FILED DECEMBER 2012 PURCHACE VAT BILL IN JAN 2013 2A BY MISTAKE DUE TO WITCH IT MISMATCHED WITH SELLER return , Please tell me how to revise form 2A&2B , dvat site dont have opotion of revising form 2A & 2B

  • sneha shah says :

  • E V RAMA KRISHNA says : project report
    please send a project report for a construction firm (real estate developers) for the purpose of bank loan my mail id

Comment Please


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