Ravikumar.G's Expert Profile

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About me

    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    I can able to answer the following topics: Income tax, Companies act, Accounting standards, Audit and Assurance standards, Accounts, Audit,Customs, Excise, MIS, Project Finance and Corporate law.

    My area of expertise
    Income Tax, Audit, Company Law, Custom and Excise, Project Finance, Management Consultancy, International Taxation, Accounts, MIS etc

    My experience in the area (years):
    7 to 8 years experience.

    Organizations I belong to:
    Sukumar & Associates, Chartered Accountants Chennai - 600004.

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:
    B.A (Economics)

    Award & Honors:

    No comments on me

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