Excise duty rate

This query is : Resolved 

14 March 2009 Please tell me the excise duty rate as on 1.04.08 and in interim budget exicise duty rate was changed and what is the Revised Rate and revised rate is applicable to Manufacturing Org from which Date?

14 March 2009 Excise Duty Rates depends on the certain chapter heading in which the goods are belongs to On 01/04/2008 the Rate was 14.42% ( 14% +3% Cess )In the interim Budget the rate declared to 8.24 ( i.e 8% + Cess). This rate was applicable from 24/02/2009.

14 March 2009 Please note that Duty was slashed from 10 to 8% on 24.02.2009. That means there were also some changes after 01.04.2008 to 24.02.2009.

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