Please clarify whether, 30th April 2015 is -The due date for filing ER-5 (return of Annual information related to production) for financial year 2014-2015 or F.Y. 2015-2016.
If the return relates to F.Y. 2015-2016, then how can we decide in advance what will be our Raw Material Consumption and Finished Goods Production for the coming year???
04 April 2015
ER-5 is the yearly return so it is for the completed financial year.The due date 30th April 2015 is for the year -2014-15 not for 2015-16
Annual return of information relating to principal inputs used in the manufacture of finished goods. Filed by manufacturers who paid duty of excise more than Rs. One crore in the preceding financial year
But the aces website is not allowing to choose Financial Year 2014-2015 there is only one option left in aces website i.e. Financial Year 2015-2016. Please guide me how to select Financial Year 2014-2015 in the website.
06 April 2015
while try to efile the data online it is allowing only 2015-16. you can download the excel utility from aces website and fill the details and upload the return by xml. there it is allowing the fy-2014-15
After clicking Validate and submit button in the downloaded utility of Form ER-5, the system is showing the message " You can file Return only for Current financial Year "
I am not able to file the return ER-5 for Financial Year 2014-2015.
07 April 2015
Sorry. small correction in my reply.
ER-5 need to file for the coming year only. so you can file for the year 2015-16. this can be given as based on the projected quantity you intend to use for the year. incase any deviation with the quantity declared you can revise the same with in 30 days of deviation during the year