08 October 2010
I am having a manufacturing plant at Gujarat. As a practice we issue credit or debit notes on monthly or quartely basis. In the Credit notes we will also charge VAT/CST as applicable.
My question is Can we sign these credit Notes thr. Digital Signature instead of mannual signing.
Plz help with ref to respective legal sections ........ Bcoz we are facing lot of problem
08 October 2010
as per my knowledge, DSC can use only for income tax and ROC purpose like as Form 16, Form 16A, Income Tax Filing, ROC AIR filing. There must be an option to use DSC. you cannot simply use for invoice, debitnote, creditnote etc. There is no safety with word or excel formats. If you use more, there are chances to misuse by others. So my advice is 'no'. let us wait for experts view.