15 April 2009
Mediclaim for individual and her spourse can be claimed a maximum of Rs.15,000/- For parents Rs.15,000/- and Senior Citizen Rs.20,000/-
If an individual takes mediclaim for himself, spourse and his parents which comes to around Rs.35,000/- what is the maximum amount which can be calimed, is it Rs.15,000/- or Rs.30,000/-
15 April 2009
u/s 80D deduction allowed is Rs.15000(20000 in case of senior citizen) for individual him/herself, spouse & dependant children AND Rs.15000(20000 in case of senior citizen) for parents of individual. so you can claim deduction of Rs. 30000(15000 + 15000) in your case
15 April 2009
u/s 80D deduction is allowed max is Rs.15000/- (20000 in case of senior citizen) plus Rs.15000/- for parents of individual means total deduction can claim Rs.30000/-