Deduction of hra & interest on loan taken for house

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15 March 2013 my annual salary is Rs. 1000000 and company provide me HRA.And i have purchased a house however i didn't get the possession of the house.Shall i claim the both i.e HRA and Interest on home loan,company deneying me to claim both is it coorect to deney ?

Kindly guide me on this matter.

15 March 2013 If you have stayed in a rented accomodation, you can claim benefits on HRA.

For interest on housing, you can claim the same once it is transferred on your name. For pre construction interest, the deduction will be allowed in 5 installments each year.

15 March 2013 Thanks,

Sir Plz tell me before possession can i claim
HRA and interest on loan simultaneously ?

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