How to show the total investment in Balance Sheet for AY 2018-19. Total Investment is 2.35 Crore as on 31.3.2018. Opening balance of Investment is 1.95 Crore. (MF & Equity Share) During the year purchase & sold transaction net of amount 40 Lacs. How to show current investment & non Current investment in balance sheet of Pvt Ltd Company.
Current Investment means transaction during year. Non-Current Investment means no transaction during year or op balance of investment (No Movement in Investment).
23 August 2018
Current & Non-current investments depends on the holding period. If the holding period of the investments are specified and if the holding period is more than 12 months, it will be considered as non-current investment. If the holding period is not specified, in such case the intent of the holding will be considered to determine the current & non-current.