11 April 2010
CPE Credit Requirements for the rolling period of three years starting from the calendar year 2008 as given below:
CPE Credit Requirements for members of the Institute All the members who are holding Certificate of Practice (except those members who are residing abroad), unless exempted, are required to: a. Complete at least 90 CPE credit hours in each rolling three-year period of which 60 CPE credit hours should be of structured learning. b. Complete minimum 20 CPE credit hours of structured learning in each year. All the members who are not holding Certificate of Practice or are residing abroad (whether holding Certificate of Practice or not), unless exempted, are required to: a. Complete at least 45 CPE credit hours of structured/unstructured learning in each rolling three-year period b. Complete minimum 10 CPE credit hours of structured/unstructured learning in each year. Note: You are exmpted from this requirement for the first year (Calander year) of enrollment.
As far as Membership fees is concerned its payable for the financial year ending 31st MARCH. Due date for which is 30th Sept of the relevant subsequent year.