Continuation of ca

This query is : Resolved 

16 November 2016 Dear All

I have completed my CPT on 2009 and from 2009 till now i am unable to clear IPCC. and I am 26 now and i have some other family comitments also. so can i continue ca or i have MBA with this i need to settle i don't know i am very confused.

16 November 2016 You have already given six years plus time for your CA Intermediate and unable to clear any group or secure exemption, it is high time for you to take serious call on what you must plan next. Assuming, you have written this time and have cleared the examination, then you can think of continuing for your Final Level. Otherwise, you have final examination one never knows how long the wait for you could be. So, it is better to give up CA course and think of other alternatives like a MBA or something, which can suffice your family commitments and also to settle down in life.

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