Coal Conversion Job work in Odisha

This query is : Resolved 

05 August 2020 Dear Sir,

My query is, Service provider Company B got coal conversion work from Company A. Now Company B done the contract with Company C where job work will be done. now i want to know that what documents will be involve in process or how invoicing will be done for incoming or out going material?
Please advice.

05 August 2020 I will give you the stepwise procedure-
1. Company A will raise the job work challan as specified under rule 55 on A (mentioning B company as recipient) and company C as consignee.
2. Based on the challan in step 1, A company will make eway bill and ship the coal(material) to C company along with the challan and eway bill.
3. Copy of the above challan will be sent by A company to B company also.
4. Based on this challan copy to B company , the B company will raise another job work challan on C company giving the cross reference of the challan in step 1 above.
5. After doing the job work, C company will raise the challan on B company and showing A company as consignee ( give reference of challan of A company and B comapny).Based on this challan , C company will raise the eway bill and send the processed goods to A company.
6. Based on the challan in step 4 C company will raise the job work charges tax invoice on B company.
7. Based on the challan copy of C company and of A company, the B company will raise tax invoice for processing charges on B company.
8. B company and A company can take the ITC of the GST charged on these tax invoices,if any.
9. All the above transactions would be supported by and based on the necessary purchase orders.

If you have any questions , please feel free to raise.

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