03 October 2012
How to Get Certificate from the Institute of Chartered Accountants as full-time practitioner from the icai website.? My uncle has been in full time practice sine 1990.... but he needs the certificate now. Please comment.
03 October 2012
What? How can he practice, without certificate of practice? I mean, COP is just for members, and a member of ICAI cannot sign audit reports or any other thing, unless he gets COP from ICAI... How is he practicing since 1990??
03 October 2012
What? How can he practice, without certificate of practice? I mean, COP is just for members, and a member of ICAI cannot sign audit reports or any other thing, unless he gets COP from ICAI... How is he practicing since 1990??
03 October 2012
Wait .. he has a C.P. What he needs is Copy of Certificate from the Institute of Chartered Accountants as full-time practitioner. Is this same as certificate of practice? n his C.P. is framed... so its gonna b difficult to take out a xerox... So cant a copy of t same be downloaded from icai website? M confused... Please figure out...