There has been a repair of the concealed rain water piping in the 16 floor bulding costing around Rs 20 lacs. The repairs included the following as major expense:
Labour Charges
Material Charges(Cement etc)
Refixing of new pipes where the pipes where broken
Consultancy Charges
The work was on contract for a period of 1 year and has been complete in F.Y 08-09. The payment has also been made up to date.
My view is that:-
Since the repairs have improved the efficiency of the piping and also there has been addition of pipes at places where it was leaking or broken which definitely increases the future benefits from the new repaired piping, IT SHOULD BE CAPITALISED. Please note that,Had the pipe not been repaired it woyuld have been leaking. Doesnt this mean improvement of efficience?
What are the criterias for capitalising the repairs exp?
What criteria supports my view,which i can put forward?
01 June 2009
In terms of commercial expediency, the above expenditure is incurred for continuity of business and not for any increase in the efficiency which is of enduring benefit. So, it should be charged to Profit & Loss A/c.